Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala
Amur Maple

Previously known as:  Acer ginnala
 Plant Type:
 Growth Forms:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
 Flower Notes:
Yellow (Fragrant but inconspicuous pale-yellow flowers in spring)
 Foliage Notes:
Green (Interesting green foliage in summer); Red (Scarlet fall foliage)
 Fruit Notes:
Red (Reddish samaras)
 Ultimate Height:
15-18 feet
 Ultimate Spread:
15-20 feet
 Soil Notes:
Quite adaptable to different soil types and pH levels, but prefers moist, well-drained soil
Central and Northern China, Manchuria, Japan
 Diagnostic Characteristics:
Leaves opposite, simple, 1.5-3" long, 3-lobed, with a long central lobe that resembles a dagger. Samara wings nearly parallel. Species Acer tataricum leaves are 2-4" and usually unlobed (except on vigorous shoots whose leaves may resemble Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala).

Additional Information

Extremely hardy small tree with interesting foliage (elongated center lobe) and colorful fruits (on some trees). Widely adapted and trouble-free. Prefers sun but tolerates some shade. Good for growth in large planters. Among first trees to leaf out. Withstands heavy pruning. Can be damaged by ice stroms. Verticillium susceptible, but rare.

6 Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala found

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Other plants like this Acer tataricum ssp. ginnala (Amur Maple)

The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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