Ulmus americana
American Elm

 Plant Type:
 Growth Forms:
 Deciduous / Evergreen:
 Flower Notes:
not showy
 Stem Notes:
Slender, round, red-brown, pubescent at first, becoming glabrous
 Fruit Notes:
Rounded, notched, disc-shaped samara, 1/2" long, maturing in May through June
 Ultimate Height:
80ft feet
 Ultimate Spread:
50ft feet
 Light Requirements:
 Soil Notes:
well-drained soils
 Ecological Functions:

Additional Information

American Elm, also known as White, Gray, Water, or Swamp Elm. Previously, a common street tree but the Dutch elm disease killed many trees. Although, with maintenance programs some trees are able to hold back the disease.

3 Ulmus americana found

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Other plants like this Ulmus americana (American Elm)

The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

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