
Acer saccharinum
Silver Maple

Family Sapindaceae (Soapberry Family)
Genus Acer (Maple, Boxelder)
Species saccharinum
Plant Type Tree
Diameter at Breast Height 22 in
Spread 34 ft
Stormwater Intercepted 198.25 gals
Air Pollutants Removed 0.74 lbs
CO2/Carbon Reduced 26.30 lbs
Space Status Planted
Purdue Name Number 42

More about Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum)

Location of ORIG_3900*A

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The Purdue Arboretum is a collaboration between the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture and Physical Facilities Grounds Department

Purdue Arboretum, 625 Agriculture Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN, 47907
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